H E L L O!

My name is Molly. And 7 years ago, you would have found me at college in one of my many communication classes doing everything I could to prepare to become an event planner. With a minor in Event Management, I had 4 or 5 internships and was in every event related class possible. I was going to be an event planner. As part of my Communication degree, I was taking classes in Public Relations, Graphic and Web Design and Marketing. While I thought these were fun, I never gave them much thought beyond the grade.

My first "real job" was working on the fiftieth anniversary of the Seattle World's Fair. We had a small team so I did a little bit of everything but as the only one with any marketing experience, I became the main marketing person. I was doing a little work on events and I loved that job. Little did I know, that it was not the events part that I loved.

When that job ended, I got a job as an event manager at a local convention center (the dream job, right?). I remember two weeks in, it was Valentine's day and my then fiance, now husband picked me up after work to take me to dinner. I didn't finish until 9:00pm (and that was leaving early) and we had already missed our reservation. I remember crying in the car to him telling him that I didn't think I could do it. He was encouraging (of course. He is literally the most positive person I know) and we decided I needed to give it a little more time. I stayed there another 6 months, working between 60-70 hours a week and was so drained. I never saw my fiance as we were trying to plan a wedding, I never saw my family and I never had time to be with friends. Most importantly, I craved a creative outlet. I desperately missed design and marketing and everything that goes into it.

I left when I found Public Relations job and then eventually worked as a Marketing Coordinator in another role. I was finally feeling fulfilled by one, not working 70 hours a week and two, getting to create and see a business grow because of what I was doing.

Two and a half years ago, a brown eyed, blonde haired little girl entered my life. I decided to stop working and stay home with her. Over these past few years, I have worked remote doing administrative and marketing work while continuing to do design work for friends and family. With a passion to continue to learn as much as I could about design and creating brands, I decided to go back to school and get a certificate in Graphic Design while taking some specific classes in branding. I also started doing some projects for people I don't know and realized that I can help other businesses create their story through their brand and watch them grow from there. I have been able to use my experience in communication, marketing and events to create modern brands that make sense for each individual business.

I truly am passionate about brands and learning what works and what doesn't. Because of this, my goal is to take this aspect of a business off the shoulders of an entrepreneur. I want to learn all that I can about you and your business and create the brand you would if you had the time, the knowledge and the skills.

A good brand tells a story. Let me help you tell it!


Soooo…who is Molly?

I am wife to the most amazing, level headed, positive and encouraging guy, Chip Keyes.

I am momma to two sweet kiddos, Emmylou our crazy toddler who fills every quiet second with words, and Sawyer our sweet little guy who must think if you stop moving something bad is going to happen.

I am dog momma to Griz, the best dog ever. This fluffy Golden Retriever lets kids climb on him, pull his ears, grab his lips and shove fingers in his mouth all while he just lies there.

I am a child of God.

I live in the sweet small town of Snohomish where I also grew up. I moved away for college (only an hour away, but that was enough!) and had to come back. We live close enough to walk to town to shop, enjoy baked goods (my favorite!) and grab fresh produce and flowers at the market.

My food of choice is a sandwich. No, not a pb&j, although I do love those, but really good sandwiches. The kind where you need a few napkins. Whether it be cold, grilled or toasted or filled with meat, cheese or just veggies, I am always a fan. So if you’ve got some good sandwich shops you recommend or some awesome recipes, bring ’em on!

My drink of choice is either La Croix or beer, specifically a good ol' citrusy, hazy Northwest IPA.

My dream house would be on a farm. I want cows and horses and chickens and goats and all the animals. I love open space and dream of some day having it!

I am a lover of the water. I grew up boating and was a rower in high school and college and to this day, the water is my happy place.